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Suggested topics: programming, music, sleep, coffee, etc.

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Question: Do you and Schwa code together in an office or do your own separate things at home?
Asked by BobDobbs (69.172.158.x) on December 2 2012, 5:55am
Reply on December 4 2012, 3:54pm:
    We only really get together to do things outdoors, I think.
Question: We choiced NINJAM for our semester project. Would you answer just a few questions? Hoping you will, thanks!
Asked by French engineeri (147.210.183.x) on December 1 2012, 3:34pm
Reply on December 2 2012, 1:23am:
    Sure, email em on (if you didn't already).
Question: Can you give me some advice on how to be an expert in programming, learning from books.? That way you learned? Thanks.
Asked by Jair (190.233.213.x) on December 1 2012, 1:11pm
Reply on December 2 2012, 1:23am:
    I guess make stuff and always be willing to look at new ways of doing things?
Question: I'll check on Steve Smith. R U interested in helping us on BluWavs? www.bluwavs.com we need a 7.1 AV Player. douglas@mozaex.com
Asked by Douglas (98.202.212.x) on November 30 2012, 6:39pm
Reply on December 2 2012, 1:24am:
    Nice, that looks cool. Much more convenient than a real 7.1 setup, too..
Question: Did you ever break the habit of using the word "like" way too much?
Asked by Will (70.173.150.x) on November 30 2012, 9:26am
Reply on November 30 2012, 1:38pm (edited at November 30 2012, 1:41pm):
    I hope so, I'll have to check next time I say anything longer than 5 seconds. I probably say "uhh" more than "like".
Question: Were you the guy living under my friends friend aprtment back in the 90s here in slc -- I think his name is Steve Smith?
Asked by Douglas (98.202.212.x) on November 30 2012, 2:01am
Reply on November 30 2012, 3:06am:
    The name sounds vaguely familiar, do you have any more specifics as to where it was?
Question: If you are ever in my area stop by. Lets do chicken wings on the grill, have a beer or 2 and have a jam session.Bagpipes!
Asked by duffman (75.21.102.x) on November 28 2012, 3:16pm
Reply on November 28 2012, 9:13pm:
    Mmm I like all of those things, except the bagpipes.
Question: How often do you think to wank while coding ?What's the probability you'll do it, then ? Do you feel it as inspiring as coffee ?
Asked by DudyBag (109.133.187.x) on November 27 2012, 9:58pm
Reply on November 28 2012, 9:12pm:
    Nothing beats coffee.
Question: Is Cockos still trying to get Eucon implemented? Will it make it to the next version?
Asked by Splat (203.192.205.x) on November 27 2012, 1:35pm
Reply on November 28 2012, 9:12pm:
    It isn't a high priority at the moment, but if it was more straightforward then it would be a higher priority.
Question: How do you like youtube.com/watch?v=sEwM6ERq0gc?
Asked by Bob (93.205.227.x) on November 26 2012, 8:55pm
Reply on November 28 2012, 9:12pm:
    Errrr not so much?
Question: Ever been, or consider going to Burning Man? )'(
Asked by Ryan (69.172.158.x) on November 26 2012, 8:45am
Reply on November 28 2012, 9:11pm:
    Fuck no.
Question: If AOL gave you Winamp/Shoutcast back (hypothetical), would you do anything with it or do you consider those done products?
Asked by Will (70.173.150.x) on November 26 2012, 5:41am
Reply on November 28 2012, 9:11pm:
    Hard to say.
Question: Where do you see Reaper in 10 years?
Asked by Alex (134.155.99.x) on November 24 2012, 10:10pm
Reply on November 25 2012, 1:48am:
Question: what do we eat for dinner
Asked by Tina (217.187.27.x) on November 24 2012, 8:29pm
Reply on November 25 2012, 1:49am:
    Tonight, lasagna.
Question: If you built Reaper from scratch, would you change anything about it from a lower level or fundamental way?
Asked by TwiddlyBit (76.226.129.x) on November 24 2012, 6:59pm
Reply on November 25 2012, 1:49am:
    I'm sure there are plenty of small things, yeah, but nothing too outrageous.
Question: Are there plans to integrate 'Melodyne ARA' with Reaper?
Asked by Splat (103.10.227.x) on November 24 2012, 7:55am
Reply on November 25 2012, 1:49am:
    Yes, if possible.
Question: I see from the questions, you struggle with motivation. What would generally motivate you in light of Reaper development?
Asked by Quest (208.54.45.x) on November 23 2012, 4:25pm
Reply on November 23 2012, 9:39pm:
    At times, but you can't do the same thing for many years without having ups and downs...
Question: Hi. Is there a way to import Scala "tun" files into a track in Reaper? for midi. for microtonal stuff?
Asked by memyselfandus (75.134.133.x) on November 22 2012, 8:03am
Reply on November 23 2012, 2:11pm:
    Probably not.
Question: very approximately of course, do you know how many man hours have gone into Reaper coding?
Asked by dave (78.148.209.x) on November 21 2012, 8:03pm
Reply on November 23 2012, 2:12pm:
    I'd say about 14 man years, so maybe 28,000 man hours? Not all of that is spent actively coding, but testing and tracking down bugs included.
Question: "there's feature latch" - True, but what about a new Reaper-based DAW w/ super-intuitive UI? :)
Asked by Bruno Serge (66.209.123.x) on November 21 2012, 7:48pm
Reply on November 23 2012, 2:13pm:
    The last thing I want to do is create another product to maintain, but one could go make a set of menus and layouts...
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