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Question: mp3DirectCut can split mp3 files without reencoding, but interface is horrible... could you code something like that? It would be great.
Asked by Rodrigo (189.26.143.x) on March 3 2014, 2:46pm
Reply on March 4 2014, 2:55am:
    Hmm it mostly would be pretty straightforward, but UI is pain, and I forget how the bit reservoir works/would affect such a thing.
Question: Re: "Using software you make." I get the distinct feeling that some workstation developers actually don't, at least not on the level of their most loyal users. Big problem?
Asked by PunkyBrewster (76.226.54.x) on March 3 2014, 2:40pm
Reply on March 4 2014, 2:54am:
    "Using every day" != "Using like 0.01% of the users" IMO. There's a balance to be found, and a lot of the massive feedback you get needs to be sorted and filtered inside, where it can be worked into a consistent vision... or something.
Question: Would you agree greatness is a lot of small things done well? You're obviously a better than average programmer. What's the secret sauce? Are you simply smarter, or do you persevere more when you have no idea what you're doing until you eventually figure things out?
Asked by Will (70.173.80.x) on March 2 2014, 10:00pm
Reply on March 2 2014, 10:08pm:
    Well for software it's making something you want to use, and then using it every day. I haven't been succeeding at the latter lately, but I'm trying.
Question: good djs @wfmu ..slightly OT how far from true is [p=1319571] ?
Asked by ubik (62.235.215.x) on March 2 2014, 9:34pm
Reply on March 2 2014, 10:08pm:
    It's just speculation, nobody knows how far away a 5.x cycle is, including me.
Question: Do you like/listen to WFMU ? Did you give some money to help them ?
Asked by ubik (62.235.215.x) on March 2 2014, 10:05am
Reply on March 2 2014, 7:57pm:
    I haven't listened to the radio/NPR much since SF, but I do kind of miss it.
Question: Thanks for 4.60 -- I'm very happy to see REAPER going forward strongly, so much progress since the early days. Do you have a special version that you particularly like more than others?
Asked by gio (94.66.16.x) on March 1 2014, 5:58pm
Reply on March 1 2014, 6:11pm:
    For me, every version makes the previous one seem inferior... Could I imagine writing JSFX without keyboard support? No! ha ha
Question: I agree! We should be able to print them from irs.gov and call it a day. They claim the red forms are necessary for their OCR scanners. I have a suspicion the red form print is ignored by their OCR software to get around alignment issues in case your type overlays the form verbiage.
Asked by Will (70.173.80.x) on February 28 2014, 7:51am
Reply on February 28 2014, 1:41pm:
Question: If you sold Reaper tommorrow, what price would you put on it?
Asked by PunkyBrewster (108.84.200.x) on February 28 2014, 1:49am
Reply on February 28 2014, 5:34am (edited at February 28 2014, 1:39pm):
    $60 for non-commercial, $225 for commercial! Ohh, you meant SOLD sold. Hmm, not really looking to do that, so the price would have to be really ludicrous.

    Edit: I would also take non-monetary things, such as a global end to software patents, or a (affordable) cure for cancer, or...
Question: Ugh, the new 1099-MISC tax form alignment isn't compatible with Quickbooks
Asked by Will (24.234.85.x) on February 27 2014, 9:55pm
Reply on February 28 2014, 5:34am:
    Yeah, what's with 1099s having to be on special paper, too? Surely the IRS can just use regular paper...
Question: Asked you this a few months ago: www.askjf.com/index.php?q=2597s sent an email but never r heard back..did I use the wrong email? I used the cockos.com one .
Asked by neuman (74.66.80.x) on February 26 2014, 10:03pm
Reply on February 28 2014, 5:35am:
    Ah sorry yes, fell through the cracks. Life is messy. I'll email soon.
Question: When you went about writing EEL, what reference did you consult for stack frame architecture, calling conventions (caller/callee register saving duties, etc.)?
Asked by Will (70.173.80.x) on February 23 2014, 7:39am
Reply on February 24 2014, 2:05am:
Question: Pardon me. I was humorously exaggerating if in order to change the mixed fonts across all borders in REAPER needs to be done by automation or an editor will do the job just fine. Unless, the mixed fonts are there by design to satisfy some specific reason. Okay, Mr.? :)
Asked by gio (94.66.76.x) on February 23 2014, 12:34am
Reply on February 24 2014, 2:01am:
    Ah yeah, at some point perhaps we should reconsider the dialog default font choices.
Question: any idea how difficult would it be to make EEL/JS work on the OWL pedal (arm cortex M4)? That would be amazing.
Asked by olilarkin (81.100.230.x) on February 22 2014, 6:09pm
Reply on February 22 2014, 10:01pm:
    It would be quite a bit of work to target ARM, and probably some redesigning to make it sufficiently efficient for that CPU..
Question: Not all dialogs use MS Shell Dlg in the powerhouse. A great majority uses MS Sans Serif, the former is way better in any case unless there is a reason to do otherwise. How would you address this issue, using string replace in the editor or with a neat Perl script? Greetings ;)
Asked by gio (94.66.76.x) on February 22 2014, 5:56pm
Reply on February 22 2014, 10:01pm:
    Hmm not sure I get the question.
Question: I am getting 3 job opportunities. 1. Old stuff which i know m good at but relocation to new city, Mumbai, India 2. Something i have never done in my life....relocate to new country, London, UK. 3. Something m not very excited about which i have done before. No relocation, New Delhi, India.......please help
Asked by Desert Rain (122.176.161.x) on February 22 2014, 3:29pm
Reply on February 22 2014, 10:02pm:
    I really like East London and have never been to India, so I'm probably not the best person to ask. Soo...
Question: Ah, makes sense. Signed negative int typecast to unsigned takes 0xFFFF and adds UINT_MAX+1 until it's within [0, UINT_MAX], making it larger than 4 (ia32) or 8 (x86_64) and the loop never runs. Fuckit cast the sizeof() to signed (int). 4or 8[edited]will fit easily.
Asked by Will (70.173.80.x) on February 21 2014, 7:44am
Reply on February 22 2014, 10:02pm:
    yeah (int)sizeof() takes care of it.
Question: You'd think a cast would occur in the comparison. :(
Asked by Will (24.234.85.x) on February 21 2014, 12:57am
Reply on February 21 2014, 2:14am:
    It does, just in the other direction. This one got me too -- I had some code that wasn't working and I had to figure out why. "Hey wait this loop isn't executing, wtf?"
Question: Sorry it truncated. When I tried it in gcc, the loop didn't execute a single time. I expected it to iterate from -1 to 3 and print 5 x's, but nothing outputs. Spoil my fun please.
Asked by Will (70.173.80.x) on February 20 2014, 5:14pm
Reply on February 20 2014, 11:29pm:
    hint: sizeof(x) is of type size_t...
Question: Please explain for (int x=-1;x...
Asked by Will (70.173.80.x) on February 20 2014, 9:30am
Reply on February 20 2014, 4:35pm:
    I wouldn't want to spoil the fun ;)
Question: How about them apples? The end is awesome! www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPEBY247mJE
Asked by Will (24.234.85.x) on February 18 2014, 11:43pm
Reply on February 20 2014, 4:37pm:
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