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Question: Do you find yourself git commit -am often or do you find value in staging changes?
Asked by Will (24.234.85.x) on April 15 2014, 8:24pm
Reply on April 16 2014, 12:51am:
    Depends, sometimes I commit everything on a temp branch then revise later, other times I add -p (when I want to add a fix but not a ton of debug messages, etc). I almost always diff at length before I push, though.
Question: Do you use github much/at all? What are your thoughts?
Asked by Will (24.234.85.x) on April 15 2014, 6:13pm
Reply on April 16 2014, 12:52am:
    Occasionally, it's a pretty good service, I like it, but I also like hosting my own.
Question: Regarding healthy vs. unhealthy: www.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/11/08/twinkie.diet.professor/...
Asked by Will (68.104.121.x) on April 14 2014, 3:58am
Reply on April 16 2014, 12:52am:
    Yeah, I sort of think that a normal diet is one that hedges a lot, if something ends up being really bad, at least you get mostly good things elsewhere.
Question: Have you ever met JeffOS in real life ?
Asked by Ubik (62.235.212.x) on April 13 2014, 3:55pm
Reply on April 13 2014, 4:56pm:
    Not yet, we've had some Skype though.
Question: Why did the world settle on this shitty 1366x768 resolution?
Asked by Will (68.104.121.x) on April 12 2014, 10:37pm
Reply on April 13 2014, 4:55pm:
    I sure haven't! I love my Retina Macbook Pro (especially in Win7).
Question: Can we reliably tell in-project MIDI take is opened in inline editor with PCM_source->Extended(PCM_SOURCE_EXT_INLINEEDITOR). Or will it lie when take is open in another ext. editor ? (I can't open MIDI take in ext. editor (bug?) so I can't test it...)
Asked by Martin (93.139.79.x) on April 12 2014, 7:43pm
Reply on April 13 2014, 4:55pm:
    Yes PCM_SOURCE_EXT_INLINEEDITOR(0) will return greater than 0 if and only if the inline editor is open. It will return -1 if inline editing is supported but not currently open.
Question: If you recall, what was the most challenging part of creating shoutcast?
Asked by Will (68.104.121.x) on April 11 2014, 6:47am
Reply on April 11 2014, 11:37pm:
    Hmm just learning a lot of new stuff, and documentation wasn't as good back then.
Question: Why did you decide to remove the playtime counter in Winamp? I'm pretty sure my jams time is phenomenal now but I of course have no way of confirming.
Asked by John (172.251.73.x) on April 11 2014, 5:44am
Reply on April 11 2014, 11:37pm:
    I don't remember sorry =) I'd imagine it didn't work reliably enough or something.
Question: I don't even have to open GUI, just effOpen, effClose and it crashes. Just like it is somehow not loaded correctly. I've already removed unloading as well.
Asked by Franci (109.182.159.x) on April 9 2014, 2:59pm
Reply on April 10 2014, 2:51am:
    Try checking your audioMasterCallback to see if it is being called, and if so, handle that call appropriately.
Question: Programming my own VST2 host OSX x64 - having big trouble with Nebula VST plugin, GUI stuck, crashing with effClose etc. Do you remember any special treatment fot this plugin in Reaper, which btw. works perfect. Other tested plugins work here. Thanks!
Asked by Franci (89.142.247.x) on April 8 2014, 7:08am
Reply on April 9 2014, 2:54pm:
    I don't think there was anything specific I've had to deal with it. Since you are on OSX x64, make sure you're closing the configuration window correctly (effEditClose, then close your parent NSView probably). Probably good to put all of that in an autorelease pool. Also you should never really unload the VST, because of autorelease pools and system retained objects...
Question: is there an example of how to use virtwnd out there?
Asked by olilarkin (81.100.230.x) on April 7 2014, 7:14am
Reply on April 7 2014, 1:38pm (edited at April 7 2014, 1:40pm):
    Most of the examples I can point you to are pretty specific to the application in which they are used:
    • SnapEase uses it (uses a WDL_VWnd per image, plus a bunch of WDL_VWnd children for the image controls).
    • SWS extension use a and b (via JeffOS)
    (all from memory, function names may be slightly wrong): WDL_VWnd is a class for simple lightweight composited view hierarchies. To use, other than creating the class and using SetRealParent() for the root WDL_VWnd, you'd call WDL_VWnd::OnMouse*() on the relevant WM_ mouse messages, and WDL_VWnd::OnPaint in WM_PAINT, etc. There is also a WDL_VWnd_Painter to help with painting, though its use is not strictly necessary (I believe you can just draw to any LICE_IBitmap with the right tweaks to logic). Hope this helps... I suppose I could put together a simple example in the LICE test app, or something too.
Question: Ah, it was just a rounding error so I thought you use something fancy (as it seems you do for drawing white piano keys to align then with note row every 4th/3rd key). I was doing this: value = (int)(mouse/laneH * 127) when I should have used this: value = (int)(128/laneHeight * mouse). OCD is a nasty thing, but it's for greater good (trying to let ReaScripters know where the mouse is :) Mandatory question: did you ever try replacing coffee with black tea? It's definitely much more healthier alternative!
Asked by Martin (78.0.233.x) on April 7 2014, 12:14am
Reply on April 7 2014, 12:58am (edited at April 7 2014, 1:03am):
    What's wrong with coffee? Also, I don't like to describe foodstuffs as "healthy" or "unhealthy" because I think it is misleading. I might be healthy or unhealthy, but that piece of pepperoni pizza is just a bunch of nutrients and other stuff, which may or may not be ideal for various parts of my digestive system, but to characterize it as "healthy" or "unhealthy", or compare ("healthier than", "less healthy than") is a mistake. Anyway :)
Question: Do you think this is good or bad? bluedesk.blogspot.com.br/2014/03/a-simple-alternative-to-c-excep...
Asked by Rodrigo (177.16.151.x) on April 5 2014, 6:25pm
Reply on April 5 2014, 7:51pm:
    Looks like someone is overthinking it to me. I don't like C++ exceptions, either.
Question: Let's say I have CC lane height. How would I calculate value at certain pixel? It seems it's somehow related to horizontal lines. Could you please help me not to go mad from reverse engineering all those pixels and share the formula? :)
Asked by Martin (78.0.208.x) on April 4 2014, 7:17pm
Reply on April 5 2014, 7:53pm:
    Not sure I understand the question, but the CCs are generally drawn linearly (if the CC has 128 steps and the CC lane is 128 pixels high, 1px=1 step, etc). It's unclear whether you want the CC value associated with a y-coordinate, or to query the value at a particular x-coordinate...
Question: Thoughts on Hack/HVVM? Maybe they looked at EEL for inspiration? :)
Asked by Will (24.234.85.x) on April 2 2014, 11:26pm
Reply on April 3 2014, 3:38pm:
    Looks neat, doubtful on the EEL-influence though.
Question: What do you feel in your heart every time marketing material includes "the cloud" ?
Asked by Will (24.234.85.x) on April 2 2014, 6:43pm
Reply on April 3 2014, 3:39pm:
    Heh I don't think much about marketing material, but I love EC2.
Question: VS6 forever, VB6 specificly. Mine is 64bit on XP+SP2 and the threads work. Paul Allen is fired, I'll make her recompile VB6 for me. K, my VS2013 question... I want?
Asked by Nick Forystek (173.31.164.x) on April 2 2014, 1:53am
Reply on April 3 2014, 3:39pm:
    I like VS2013 for C++ development, can't say much about VB.
Question: Thoughts on Aaron Swartz?
Asked by Will (68.104.121.x) on March 30 2014, 8:36pm
Reply on March 31 2014, 3:18pm:
    It's tragic. Having people in positions of authority taking things too seriously and going on the warpath is bad times.
Question: Have you had any good laugh lately? o_0
Asked by gio (94.66.86.x) on March 30 2014, 4:30pm
Reply on March 30 2014, 7:51pm:
    The Louis CK opening monologue for SNL was pretty good.
Question: channel9.msdn.com/Shows/Going+Deep/Expert-to-Expert-Erik-Meijer-... 51:55 Lars Bak (author of v8) discusses your concern of multithreading in js.
Asked by Will (68.104.121.x) on March 29 2014, 5:58am
Reply on March 29 2014, 2:50pm:
    Yeah, they're saying you could have completely separate VMs that pass messages back and forth, which can be very useful but is also no substitute for real threads. My point is that for simple apps the web stack is getting there, but for intensive media applications, it has a long and unclear road ahead.
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