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Question: Does it make sense nowadays to make an app DPI aware and how easy is such a scenario with VWnd involved? Greetings amigo :)
Asked by gio (94.66.9.x) on May 13 2014, 2:55pm
Reply on May 14 2014, 1:02pm:
    I haven't looked at it too much I'm afraid.
Question: How long did it take you to really feel comfy with git? Did you pick it up in an afternoon or did it take a while to feel comfortable?
Asked by John (68.104.121.x) on May 13 2014, 4:52am
Reply on May 14 2014, 1:03pm:
    A few days to comfy (replacing things I did in SVN), and maybe a month or two to get to where I felt like I fully understood it.
Question: Do you ever have days or weeks where nothing seems like fun? Even the things you usually enjoy? Just wondering if successful people like yourself always feel motivated.
Asked by Dream Of Sleepin (81.98.130.x) on May 11 2014, 8:02am
Reply on May 11 2014, 3:17pm:
    There are times of extreme lack of motivation. Regularly.
1 Comment...
Question: What were your thoughts on the open workspace you had at AOL? Do you prefer to be by yourself in a room to code?
Asked by Will (24.234.85.x) on May 10 2014, 12:46am
Reply on May 10 2014, 11:44am:
    Cubicles are terrible, I'd take either an office or a very sparse open space, but you can't just cram people in there with no privacy.
Question: would it be possible to write a reaper extension to put project samplerate settings in the menubar next to audio device settings?
Asked by olillarkin (81.100.230.x) on May 8 2014, 11:19pm
Reply on May 10 2014, 11:45am:
    Hmm not sure about putting UI in the menu bar easily, you could probably make an extension which added a few samplerate options as menu items, though. Not sure what sequence of initialization would need to be called to get the audio device/project to reset to the new samplerate, I can look into this (if you start implementing and want help with that, email me).
Question: Why ubuntu over debian for your servers?
Asked by Will (24.234.85.x) on May 8 2014, 8:09pm
Reply on May 8 2014, 9:58pm:
    Not much thought has gone into it, they end up being pretty much the same at any rate. Anything debian-based is fine with me (have some servers running debian, other ubuntu, ends up being no different).
Question: How difficult is it, on a scale of 1 to 10, to write a good API for an audio workstation? Is the difficulty of that directly related to how the original objects that are to be exposed were classed or configured?
Asked by PunkyBrewster (76.226.147.x) on May 8 2014, 2:45pm
Reply on May 8 2014, 9:57pm:
    I suppose that depends on how you define "good", whether we have succeeded at that, and also how much headache you're willing to give yourself in the future to support that API...
Question: Checked out the new HBO series "Silicon Valley"?
Asked by Will (68.104.121.x) on May 8 2014, 6:16am
Reply on May 8 2014, 1:30pm:
    Yeah somewhat funny but also pretty silly. Wish Martin Starr had a bigger role too, Party Down is a favorite.
Question: Do you unit test Reaper?
Asked by Will (68.104.121.x) on May 7 2014, 4:11am
Reply on May 8 2014, 1:29pm:
    Not so much.
Question: Do you know all of these data structures? bigocheatsheet.com/
Asked by Will (24.234.85.x) on May 5 2014, 11:57pm
Reply on May 6 2014, 1:28pm:
    About 75% or so
Question: Is your coding style organized, compartmentalized, modular, or do you tend to write long multi-function sub routines?
Asked by PunkyBrewster (76.226.116.x) on May 4 2014, 2:08pm
Reply on May 4 2014, 2:09pm:
    Yes. Or maybe not. It depends ultimately on the task at hand.
Question: Without cheating, see if you can program a sudoku solver :)
Asked by Will (68.104.121.x) on May 4 2014, 7:24am
Reply on May 4 2014, 1:38pm:
    I can do a trivial solver, however I can't promise it will run in a reasonable amount of time.
Question: Do you think you'll ever take a significant break from programming? Is it core to who you are? If they took away your computers, what would you do with yourself? Would you be sad, even with your piles of cash?
Asked by John (68.104.121.x) on May 1 2014, 3:38am
Reply on May 1 2014, 7:01pm:
    I definitely spend less time programming than I did 10 years ago, but I don't think I'll ever take a real break from it.
Question: Is this what has become of Brennan? I think I've spotted him. youtube.com/watch?v=mSnRq6iyHKg
Asked by John (68.104.121.x) on April 28 2014, 7:57am
Reply on April 29 2014, 4:19pm:
    Ha ha
Question: Did shoutcast use a mysql backend? Any DB scaling issues come up?
Asked by Will (24.234.85.x) on April 25 2014, 11:54pm
Reply on April 29 2014, 4:19pm:
    I forget, might have been postgresql. I don't recall any scaling issues that couldn't be fixed by bigger hardware.
Question: Do you ever use De Morgan's law?
Asked by Will (68.104.121.x) on April 25 2014, 5:12am
Reply on April 25 2014, 1:31pm:
    All the time, but I didn't realize it had a name.
Question: Was winamp your first win32 app ever? What approach did you take to learning the API? MSDN? Petzold? Looking at other source code? Did you ever have thoughts on scrapping the project?
Asked by Will (24.234.85.x) on April 24 2014, 12:13am
Reply on April 24 2014, 11:00pm:
    First real application other than some graphics demos. Trial and error really... I did read the Petzold book at some point, but it might have been later on.
Question: pastebin.com/01UbVZct still doesn't work. To get displayed text this seems to work: pastebin.com/GGE84sAL However, that's only one conversion less and requires separate UTF8 functions (something I try to circumvent by using only char*)
Asked by Martin (93.139.103.x) on April 23 2014, 5:43pm
Reply on April 23 2014, 8:21pm:
    Send me an email with this (and include the langpack you're using), thanks!
Question: I see that REAPER MIDI editor now has some fancy shadows... what do you use to render them?
Asked by Rodrigo (187.112.75.x) on April 23 2014, 3:27pm
Reply on April 23 2014, 8:21pm:
    Hmm probably just LICE with an image, I think.
Question: With Reaper localized there are some quirks when it comes to things Windows display: i.imgur.com/yMonxdi.png (notice how čć become cc) Sometimes we search for hwnds by name and this can become a pain.This is what I've come up with to deal with it: bit.ly/1poiTf7 But I don't like that things are getting reconverted 4 times! Being old Being old win32 guy, do you have any idea how to make this a bit more nicer?
Asked by Martin (93.136.59.x) on April 22 2014, 3:05pm
Reply on April 23 2014, 1:40pm (edited at April 23 2014, 1:44pm):
    You should convert the string you're searching for from UTF-8 to UTF16 (MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8)), then search for the windows and call GetWindowTextW(), and compare the UTF16 strings.

    Edit: or, as Jeffos points out, making a FindWindowUTF8() which calls MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8) and FindWindowW() would be the nicest way to go about this...
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