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Question: How hard for you is to love the same girl for a long time ? Has it ever been that way ? Help me I'm still afraid to commit with love ..
Asked by CWyz (62.235.197.x) on September 9 2014, 9:27am
Reply on September 12 2014, 1:09am (edited at September 12 2014, 1:10am):
    It's easy, except when it isn't, but anyway what is there to be afraid of?
Question: Would you ever consider starting a band or recording outfit?
Asked by Justin Billinger (92.111.151.x) on September 8 2014, 9:57am
Reply on September 8 2014, 1:08pm:
    Not as a business, but for fun, sure.
Question: Have you got a certain size that you would start to think that REAPER is getting bloated?
Asked by gio (94.66.25.x) on September 6 2014, 9:43pm
Reply on September 8 2014, 1:07pm:
    Bloat is less about size and more about size/function ratio, really.
Question: Do you use any build automation tool like GYP or CMake?
Asked by gio (94.66.25.x) on September 6 2014, 4:57pm
Reply on September 8 2014, 1:07pm:
    Just our own scripts.
Question: Have you ever come across any Carmack code that you'd change to make better?
Asked by Will (68.104.121.x) on September 5 2014, 5:09am
Reply on September 8 2014, 1:07pm:
    I can't say that I've spent a lot of time pouring over other people's code looking to improve it.
Question: Re: Schwa. Weird things. Is there any romance in the office? Hope Al doesn't read this website by the way. Totally screwed... but still you can lie it's not a big deal. Shit happens.
Asked by gio (2.87.6.x) on September 4 2014, 4:40pm
Reply on September 4 2014, 5:55pm:
    There is no office ha ha
Question: As a follow up, could you give an example of something in your 30s you realized you didn't know as well as you thought?
Asked by Will (68.104.121.x) on September 4 2014, 4:13am
Reply on September 4 2014, 1:52pm:
    Lately it has been various subtle behaviors in code generation on signed vs unsigned variables...
Question: Re: Schwa ; I used a proxy, I just wanted to know you are dreamy of me ! It always a sunshine when we met at the office ... Should we eat together today ?
Asked by Schwa (62.235.238.x) on September 4 2014, 1:14am
Reply on September 4 2014, 1:51pm:
    Haha nice try the real schwa has way better grammar than that.
Question: Re: cost/benefit. Understandable, but when you say cost you mean performance or will hurt the development time badly due to higher complexity?
Asked by gio (2.87.6.x) on September 3 2014, 6:35pm
Reply on September 4 2014, 1:51pm:
    Programmer time and testing time
Question: Any precaution measurements to stop the idiots that spam the forums? Or it's a dead-end situation that the community has to live with...
Asked by gio (2.87.6.x) on September 3 2014, 11:32am
Reply on September 3 2014, 2:01pm:
    We actually take many precautions (to the extent that we can without severely inconveniencing normal users), what you see is the inevitable bit that gets through. 99.9% of it does not.
Question: How is nitpicker going? Do I need to update to a newer version? if you provide one of course. i use it regularly. :)
Asked by gio (2.87.6.x) on September 3 2014, 9:50am
Reply on September 3 2014, 2:01pm:
    Haven't touched it in a while...
Question: Following a particular thread in the forums. What holds you back for full skinning? Have you put any thought for vector based skinning engine? (For the later I was said that you would look at it at some point, any progress?)
Asked by gio (2.87.6.x) on September 2 2014, 1:57pm
Reply on September 3 2014, 2:02pm:
    Umm, cost/benefit I guess?
Question: Now in your later 30s, can you still absorb new low level technical details as quickly as you could as a 17 yr old? After all, a lot of what you do now came from the learning that guy did.
Asked by Will (68.104.121.x) on September 2 2014, 4:14am
Reply on September 3 2014, 2:03pm:
    It's hard to say as the scope of knowledge changes as well as the increase in available documentation. There are all kinds of things that I thought I knew perfectly in my 20s but realized in my 30s that I did not.
Question: If you were a woman, would you fall under the charm of Schwa ? What if you are a man ?
Asked by CWzrd (62.235.243.x) on September 1 2014, 8:04pm
Reply on September 3 2014, 2:03pm:
    Schwa is dreamy regardless of the gender of the beholder.
Question: Do you believe in God? If not, who or what created the Big Bang? What do you think?
Asked by Tim Miosga (83.135.244.x) on September 1 2014, 7:19pm
Reply on September 1 2014, 7:40pm (edited at September 1 2014, 7:42pm):
    And what created that thing that created the big bang? And what created that? Repeat.
Question: Do you believe that a healthy body can support the mind better?
Asked by gio (2.87.6.x) on September 1 2014, 2:17pm
Reply on September 1 2014, 7:41pm:
    Sure, it would seem pretty easy to demonstrate that being extremely unhealthy can cause brain damage, so there is likely be some curve, likely with diminishing returns beyond a certain level of wellbeing.
Question: If you had to pick one of these formats to listen to music. What would it be? Vinyl or Cassettes?
Asked by Aaron (173.209.211.x) on August 31 2014, 4:18pm
Reply on August 31 2014, 7:32pm:
    Vinyl no question!
Question: Have you ever thought to return back to pure C? What's your thoughts on C++ modernism in general? I'm starting a pet project and I'm thinking about the former, although haven't decided yet if it's worth it or not...
Asked by gio (2.87.6.x) on August 30 2014, 4:19pm
Reply on August 31 2014, 7:33pm:
    Occasionally, though I haven't used the newer C features much. C++ classes/interfaces with virtual functions are quite nice, as is the stronger type checking, and templates are also quite handy. So no, I don't think I've seriously considered going back to pure C for most things.
Question: Do you think fonts look better now that chrome 37 uses directwrite? In ways I think it looks shittier ... so used to GDI.
Asked by Will (68.104.121.x) on August 28 2014, 2:46am
Reply on August 30 2014, 12:59am:
    Not sure how I feel. They look like fonts...
Question: Would you be interested in participating in an audio hack day in SF next month? Our dev team loves Reaper and it would be awesome to have you there.
Asked by Team Gobbler (64.134.162.x) on August 26 2014, 8:27pm
Reply on August 27 2014, 12:28pm:
    Ah, I would, but it's unlikely that I would be in SF at that point.
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