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Question: On the woodchuck thing. Do you agree that a wise woodchuck would be enterprising and wouldn't chuck wood but would have other woodchucks chuckin?
Asked by PunkyBrewster (108.84.128.x) on January 21 2016, 11:37pm
Reply on January 22 2016, 6:38pm:
    depends, would a woodchuck chuck wood for fun or would it be for wood profit?
Question: Well, as one of the original four horsemen you know how cool p2p is, plus it would open the door to having a bunch of demos/whatever available without substantially increasing the numerals used in your S3 statements. We had a winter wonderland for two days here in Glasgow, it's all melted now but snowballs rock! :)
Asked by Paul (151.229.27.x) on January 19 2016, 11:37pm
Reply on January 20 2016, 2:00am:
    Well, keeping demos separate from our installers is important, why should every person downloading the installer (and updating) get a demo?

    As for distributing demos -- Amazon bandwidth, while expensive, just doesn't add up to that much. And when it does, we can move those things to cheaper pastures -- our videos page, for example, is hosted on cheaper bandwidth (but is still plenty fast!)
Question: If a man is alone in a forest and there are no women around to hear him speak, is he still wrong?
Asked by WEZ77 (208.73.132.x) on January 19 2016, 11:14pm
Reply on January 20 2016, 2:00am:
    Some percentage of the time, yes.
Question: What do you think about using torrents to distribute Reaper and have you thrown any snowballs this year?
Asked by Paul (151.229.27.x) on January 19 2016, 6:47pm
Reply on January 19 2016, 9:16pm:
    Why would I bother? No snowballs yet, we had a dusting of snow the other night but that's it so far.
Question: any plans on adding ARA integration?
Asked by meme (75.134.150.x) on January 19 2016, 5:29pm
Reply on January 19 2016, 9:16pm:
    I'd like to see that happen.
Question: Hey Justin... How the hell are you?
Asked by WEZ77 (208.73.132.x) on January 18 2016, 10:37pm
Reply on January 19 2016, 9:16pm:
    Not bad, today.
Question: Hi Justin. Do you know how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Asked by IXix (86.168.176.x) on January 17 2016, 1:12pm
Reply on January 18 2016, 2:57pm:
    How would I know how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would want to chuck wood?

    as a side note it is difficult for me not to type "woodchunk" instead, strange.
Question: Flexbox layout, ES6 generators, AngularJS, node ... wanna get in on any of this or win32api4eva? :P
Asked by Will (107.203.156.x) on January 17 2016, 3:28am
Reply on January 18 2016, 2:57pm:
    Meh, most of them still don't make doing the things I want to do happen. I do like javascript and stuff, though.
Question: Hey Justin, what is the pixel font that used in REAPER gfx (and icecap)?
Asked by JRENG! (36.79.190.x) on January 15 2016, 10:15am
Reply on January 15 2016, 3:34pm:
    Classic VGA!
Question: I've read that you're caring about the energy consumption of your computers. Are you even more into "sustainable" coding? It's just that especially computers and phones are not the best things to buy if you care about the environment. But you need them to test your software. What do you feel about that?
Asked by Albi (86.168.34.x) on January 14 2016, 11:29pm
Reply on January 15 2016, 3:36pm:
    Yeah, I feel wasteful at times with all of these electronics. My newest computer is going on 4 years old, I think, most are quite a bit older. It's still too much crap, though.
Question: Any cool stuff happening with Super8jsfx?
Asked by Meme (75.134.150.x) on January 14 2016, 4:45pm
Reply on January 15 2016, 3:36pm:
    I improved some performance issues recently, and I have a branch that does some fun things with allowing you to shuffle samples, as well as copy/paste across channels (so you can sum multiple loops into a single one, etc), but not sure if I really like those changes... we'll see!
Question: We miss you back in Cali, will you ever return?
Asked by Derek G (209.37.96.x) on January 13 2016, 9:08pm
Reply on January 13 2016, 9:46pm:
    Aww come visit NYC! :) It's warmer than Montreal that time...
Question: What's the most extravagant thing you ever got yourself? Do you still give yourself crazy things or is it a joyless passing fad? youtube.com/watch?v=kSHUha9ABNY
Asked by Will (107.203.156.x) on January 13 2016, 6:27am
Reply on January 13 2016, 2:10pm:
    Perhaps a 911 Turbo... which was silly, but fun at times.

    These days not so much, though I suppose living in NYC is a nice luxury.

    I just spent $7 at the plexiglass store. Awesome.
Question: Which skills do you expect from a job applicant at Cockos? Do you also accept interns?
Asked by Deniz (46.25.47.x) on January 11 2016, 1:07am
Reply on January 11 2016, 9:54pm:
    At this point managing myself is a full time job...
Question: Do you miss San Francisco ?
Asked by bogo (96.127.215.x) on January 10 2016, 5:34am
Reply on January 10 2016, 11:51pm:
    I miss certain people, and perhaps the weather in February...
Question: Audacity does great on that infinitewave test. Couldn't you take a peek at their algorithm?
Asked by terry (50.246.0.x) on January 7 2016, 9:19pm
Reply on January 8 2016, 4:34am:
    They have different requirements -- REAPER's samplerate conversion needs to support arbitrary conversion ratios and also changing ratios on the fly.
Question: src.infinitewave.ca/ has finally tested the new Reaper SRC algorithm. Congrats, looks much nicer than the old extreme mode!
Asked by Bernard (85.218.25.x) on January 5 2016, 11:10pm
Reply on January 6 2016, 9:10pm:
    ah sweet!
Question: Thanks. Or, maybe support the *.multisample format from BWS, that one is all XML and easy enough to parse.
Asked by PunkyBrewster (99.103.119.x) on January 4 2016, 2:22am
Reply on January 6 2016, 9:10pm:
    I will look into this.
Question: I've written an app to map and export samples. Is there any way I can get an outline of the ReaSampleMatic preset format?
Asked by PunkyBrewster (99.103.119.x) on January 3 2016, 3:09pm
Reply on January 4 2016, 12:10am:
    Hmm that'd be a mess, let me see if I can come up with a good alternative way to import.
Question: Does anyone ever recognize you out and about these days?
Asked by Eric (107.213.161.x) on December 31 2015, 3:40pm
Reply on January 1 2016, 7:35pm:
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