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Suggested topics: programming, music, sleep, coffee, etc.

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Question: Do you wear a wrist watch in daily life?
Asked by dave (169.145.197.x) on April 18 2016, 4:26am
Reply on April 20 2016, 1:36am:
    Nope. The only time I wear a watch is when running (GPS watch).
Question: I heard you've become a huge fan of Drake and it's causing a riff in your marriage. I heard that the wife told you not to go to a recent Drake concert but you disobeyed. Is it true?
Asked by Mommy (99.173.156.x) on April 16 2016, 12:39pm
Reply on April 16 2016, 11:24pm:
    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I think you mean rift? Anyway I can't name a single Drake song and have no desire to be able to do so.
Question: Hillary or Bernie, and why?
Asked by Muldoon (74.90.158.x) on April 14 2016, 4:47am
Reply on April 15 2016, 1:59am:
    Lessig! Too bad...
Question: Do you (occassionally / sometimes / often) dream in / about code ?
Asked by wasereb4 (93.217.211.x) on April 13 2016, 7:04pm
Reply on April 15 2016, 1:59am:
    Rarely, I dream more often about music.
Question: So hypothetically, if one made a badass cross platform javascript based mp3 player using electron and open sourced it, would you have any interest in hacking a JS version of AVS into it for fun?
Asked by Will (107.203.156.x) on April 10 2016, 2:50am
Reply on April 10 2016, 1:20pm:
    Probably not AVS exactly, but something like the visualization in WHUMP (which is user editable in javascript), maybe spending more time on some of the effects, and maybe making it more modular?
Question: Do you have/use any portable ( bluetooth ) music player for outdoors?
Asked by Dave (113.200.157.x) on April 8 2016, 6:45am
Reply on April 9 2016, 11:14pm:
    I have a jambox, but it rarely gets used outdoors.
Question: Do you think the question from the guy about his girlfriend named Ara in reference to Melodyne ARA, Reaper being the mansion, and dad is you, Justin?
Asked by Mick (60.226.7.x) on April 8 2016, 5:55am
Reply on April 9 2016, 11:14pm:
    ha ha!
Question: I think I found my dream girl. She likes me too but my dad wont allow me to date her as long as I live under "his roof." I cant afford to move out, I'm only 15. Besides, my dad's house is a mansion and I love living here. Any advice? BTW, her name is Ara.
Asked by Mommy (99.173.156.x) on April 6 2016, 4:27pm
Reply on April 7 2016, 3:53pm:
    Ah, you've got so many years in front of you, enjoy yourself and don't fret. :)
Question: What does your average day look like?
Asked by asafonov (109.172.98.x) on April 6 2016, 8:01am
Reply on April 7 2016, 4:01pm:
    Wake up in the morning, make coffee, eat some yogurt, work (programming, reading forums, handling a tiny percentage of customer service things), eat something for lunch, maybe go to the studio and work/record, maybe stay home and work, maybe go wander around the city with Al, then maybe a run in the late afternoon, dinner, some TV programs (Better Call Saul, if I'm lucky!), bed. With more working throughout there too (hard to avoid).
Question: What was the story behind the name Jesusonic? Aren't you an atheist? (not that it matters :-p )
Asked by Aaron (98.121.65.x) on April 6 2016, 2:03am
Reply on April 7 2016, 4:02pm:
    Because the concept of Jesus is an interesting one, even if you don't really believe in him. Just like Santa.
Question: On a scale of 1-10, where would you place the viability of LUA in Reaper using XML skins for GUI's? To design an XML skin with it's easy objects, buttons, textboxes, menus, etc, etc, and having it attached to LUA functions and code.
Asked by PunkyBrewster (99.103.118.x) on March 31 2016, 5:20pm
Reply on April 7 2016, 4:02pm:
    Not sure I understand this, you could basically build whatever in Lua in REAPER... what will we do? Unsure.
Question: Hi! I'm attempting to code an audio mixer - (full question below)
Asked by Tommy G (94.2.105.x) on March 31 2016, 10:19am
Reply on March 31 2016, 1:35pm (edited at March 31 2016, 2:01pm):
      Hi! I'm attempting to code an audio mixer - I'm using C++ and SDL2, filling a buffer with a callback function. I can't seem to find an explaination of how to adjust gain over time - with * 1.0f being no change, * 0.5f being about -6dB, etc.. Doing it in one sample introduces a click, as I'd expect.. doing a linear interpolation over a number of samples also [truncated]
    Linear interpolation or some other curve is usually how it's done. If you're still getting a click then either the interval is too short or you have some some other bug...
Question: Sorry for the REAPER question, do you think Softube Console 1 support (autonaming/track number) might happen? When Softube was asked, they told it was on Cockos to implement it. Would be really appreciated! Thanks for everything!
Asked by Ignacio (181.229.235.x) on March 31 2016, 5:17am
Reply on March 31 2016, 1:36pm:
    I don't know anything about what would be required.
Question: What would it take to create a one way paging system that would allow change to a message contained within an encrypted data stream?
Asked by Scott (98.216.234.x) on March 30 2016, 7:15pm
Reply on March 31 2016, 1:36pm:
    I have no idea what you're asking
Question: Reaper's LUA code editor: How to watch or debug print values when debugging? Thanks.
Asked by PunkyBrewster (99.117.30.x) on March 30 2016, 6:14pm
Reply on March 31 2016, 1:37pm:
    The list on the right side will show you global variables, you can assign to them if you have locals you'd like to see. You can also filter that list using the text box below it.
Question: Don't know. His short story collection (Tooth And Claw) is pretty good! But I was partly dissappointed by the only novel I read of him (When The Killing Is Done). So I wanted to know what other people think about this genre written by him.
Asked by Albi (178.162.203.x) on March 30 2016, 1:12pm
Reply on March 31 2016, 1:37pm:
    OK I will take a look at some point.
Question: Have you ever read a novel by T.C. Boyle? If so, what do you think of his writing?
Asked by Albi (91.109.30.x) on March 29 2016, 8:31pm
Reply on March 30 2016, 1:06pm:
    I haven't, what novel would you recommend one begins with?
Question: Okay, on the topic of sleep: are you disciplined in getting x number of hours each night? Do you cut yourself off at a certain time to keep a steady circadian rhythm, or does it vary? What hours do you usually sleep?
Asked by Will (107.203.156.x) on March 29 2016, 12:41am
Reply on March 29 2016, 1:56pm:
    I'm not disciplined, no, but I do try to get to bed before midnight if I can.
Question: If you like Midlake.. Check John Grants solo albums.
Asked by Meus (75.134.150.x) on March 28 2016, 1:23am
Reply on March 29 2016, 1:57pm:
    Ah thanks!
Question: Do you think robots will make good farmers?
Asked by Poofox (73.78.142.x) on March 27 2016, 6:58pm
Reply on March 29 2016, 1:57pm:
    I know little about farming, robots.
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