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Question: How many LOC is reaper?
Asked by jsfxll (82.49.232.x) on February 6 2017, 9:48pm
Reply on February 6 2017, 11:09pm:
    REAPER.exe is about 400k lines, not including WDL or third party libraries. And then there are tons of plug-ins (both REAPER-native plug-ins and VST-like plug-ins), and JSFX, and such.
Question: What were your technological thoughts of Sonique in retrospect?
Asked by sengork (124.189.28.x) on February 6 2017, 4:53am
Reply on February 6 2017, 7:09pm:
    It was very pretty!
Question: Could you make Licecap for Linux? It would be so handy for webdevs everywhere that work primarily on linux. :-/
Asked by Will (107.203.156.x) on February 5 2017, 7:07pm
Reply on February 6 2017, 7:09pm:
    Someone sure could...
Question: Sorry, not a question, but a praise: you just made me move from Cubendo to Reaper after almost 20 years :) Respect!!!
Asked by Zabukowski (89.142.65.x) on February 1 2017, 8:42am
Reply on February 4 2017, 4:46pm:
    Thanks! Glad it's working for you ;)
Question: (argitoth) Ho lee sh**, look what you have created!!! youtu.be/9sNSNGjf2fII can trim samples without listening.
Asked by Elan Hickler (174.17.189.x) on January 29 2017, 11:17pm
Reply on January 30 2017, 3:54pm:
Question: Have you ever had sciatica or other lower back pain? Any tips?
Asked by Will (107.203.156.x) on January 29 2017, 3:15am
Reply on January 29 2017, 3:40pm:
    Thankfully no, I've had pain at times but nothing chronic. A good chiropractor can do amazing things, I think, but what defines "good" is hard to say... :/
Question: Ginger, Mary Ann, or Swamp Rat Barbie?
Asked by Punky Brewster (68.43.120.x) on January 27 2017, 1:06pm
Reply on January 29 2017, 3:41pm:
    Errr I would lean towards the word ginger, as it is a food and a type of person.
Question: Did you ever consider attending this Musical Camp with Tony Levin and friends ? threeofaperfectpair.com/ . It's worth it!
Asked by Dali (70.55.123.x) on January 27 2017, 12:43am
Reply on January 29 2017, 3:41pm:
    Hah I haven't, though (unrelated) I'd like to join a marching band.
Question: Do you use Android or iOS?
Asked by Albi (83.36.161.x) on January 26 2017, 3:18pm
Reply on January 26 2017, 5:11pm:
Question: ''v2.25 -JSFX: update many stock plug-ins to define their I/O''. Just wondering, as I use many JSFX from the Stash that dont have this update. Just a bit confused, whether it affects these older FX's performance. Thanks.
Asked by Bean (1.178.252.x) on January 26 2017, 4:57am
Reply on January 26 2017, 5:12pm:
    Ah, it's fine, just if you have a plug-in which only accesses 2 channels on a 64 channel track, REAPER will do a bit more work than necessary, but it isn't that much work. To be clear: there is no decrease in performance in that update, just a (potential) increase in performance for plug-ins that define their pin counts.
Question: Can we have detail about this flute described as "Flute (amazon $100 special)"? Nice Super8 performance BTW !
Asked by Dali (205.236.3.x) on January 25 2017, 1:30pm
Reply on January 25 2017, 1:58pm:
Question: Do JSFX's without the new updated I/O functions work/perform just as well as before??
Asked by Bean (1.178.252.x) on January 25 2017, 7:10am
Reply on January 25 2017, 1:56pm:
    Hmm what new update I/O functions?
Question: How did you come up with "Nitrane" ?
Asked by Will (50.84.190.x) on January 23 2017, 11:16pm
Reply on January 24 2017, 3:59pm (edited at January 24 2017, 5:24pm):
    Randomness really... what's with the obsession of software from 18+ years ago? :)
Question: Any ambitions about coding a decent music player for iOS similar to BlackPlayer for Android (with connection to last.fm for covers and biographies)? Can't find anything like that at the moment...
Asked by Albi (83.38.99.x) on January 21 2017, 12:01am
Reply on January 21 2017, 3:01am:
    Absolutely none
Question: Where would you suggest one start today if they want to learn to program audio-related software?
Asked by Adam (131.107.174.x) on January 19 2017, 7:39pm
Reply on January 20 2017, 10:07pm:
    I'd probably start by writing some JSFX in REAPER :) It's a lot of fun and not much fuss.
Question: Did you tried and installed ReaPack ? reapack.com/
Asked by Dali (205.236.3.x) on January 18 2017, 2:13pm
Reply on January 20 2017, 10:07pm:
    Yep very cool!
Question: bring back blorp!
Asked by derek (209.37.96.x) on January 18 2017, 1:33am
Reply on January 20 2017, 10:07pm:
    Blorp is dead, long live blorp!
Question: Why did Winamp have both a directsound and waveout output system even in the last year or two? That seems silly.
Asked by Will (107.203.156.x) on January 12 2017, 11:10pm
Reply on January 14 2017, 1:42pm:
    Why did it have both in the beginning? Some systems did better with one vs the other... Why did it have both in the end? Feature latch.
Question: Musically speaking, do you like the humour in "Flight Of The Conchords"?
Asked by Albi (88.24.34.x) on January 12 2017, 12:08pm
Reply on January 12 2017, 4:03pm:
    I like the music, and I like the humor in the music, yeah.
Question: Are you amazed that such things like these (link below)would be possible with JSFX or was it "expected" from you?
Asked by Dali (205.236.3.x) on January 6 2017, 6:06pm
Reply on January 7 2017, 12:11am (edited at January 7 2017, 12:15am):
    Link: forum.cockos.com/showpost.php?p=1780440

    That's pretty fancy, a level of flare I wouldn't expect.. I dig it! but doing that in JSFX is actually a lot easier than doing it elsewhere... e.g. my bigger graphical JSFX projects like super8 and General Dynamics, to write in C++ would be a huge pain, whereas in JSFX they are nice 1100 and 500 line (respectively) scripts... without flare. I guess super8 has a slight bit...

    Looking at the code now, heh those plug-ins are huge, 8000+ lines each... Pretty pretty though :)
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