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Question: This is not a feature request (I guess?). And I was going to post this on forum, but "Sorry. The administrator has banned your IP address. To contact the administrator click here" is written there. I just want to say that the current piano in MIDI Editor looks very bright, and same thing in v6 looks very nice. Can you bring those colors back to v6 one? Here, you will understand what I meant : imgur.com/a/FcKVk0E
Asked by Abhi (106.219.69.x) on December 6 2024, 10:22am
Reply on December 6 2024, 6:49pm:
    You can tweak the theme, look for the action 'Theme Development: Show theme tweak/configuration window'

  • Posted by Abhi (106.219.70.x) on December 8 2024, 5:01pm:
    Ahhhh, I have used that thing few years ago. I forget everything about it lol. I am using v6 theme now so I don't need to do this for now haha

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