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Question: Amanda Crew or Evangeline Lilly?
Asked by Will (24.234.85.x) on February 26 2015, 1:45am
Reply on February 26 2015, 5:44pm:
    Hmm they both don't mean much to me (I had to look up pictures, and I'm somewhat indifferent)..
Question: Do you flowchart your projects before you begin coding? Do you have an idea and just start coding?
Asked by Jack (184.58.113.x) on February 26 2015, 1:40am
Reply on February 26 2015, 5:42pm:
    I often write notes, but usually the initial model is in my head. That mental model then changes as code as written, since it almost always evolves (writing code often eliminates complexity in some areas while finding other areas that are not as simple as the model had them, and so on). I don't flowchart, though.
Question: Ever considered a background saying "Please no Reaper Q's Please no Reaper Q's Please.." in bold red font :)? ... okay the real Q is: Whats your fav math fact? For me it's fibonacci and that you can find it everywhere
Asked by math (77.64.254.x) on February 25 2015, 11:56pm
Reply on February 26 2015, 5:40pm:
Question: Justin, is it possible to scroll plugin UI by mousewheel? If no, can we expect to see it in new pre? Thanks in advance.
Asked by Vitali (212.87.13.x) on February 25 2015, 4:12pm
Reply on February 26 2015, 5:40pm:
Question: How do you approach equity distribution without harming friendships? (For example, how did you approach this with Tom without risking losing him as a friend?)
Asked by Will (24.234.85.x) on February 24 2015, 6:09pm
Reply on February 26 2015, 5:40pm:
    It's tough, I think -- you need everybody involved to negotiate for their own interests to find a balance, which can be awkward with friends.
Question: Thanks a million! I devised a silly workaround where MIDI editor loses focus while waiting for key up msg (terribly hack and unprofessional, but thankfully in my case it does work) - I'll replace it with your solution and hope it doesn't get broken - why not make it documented, is it that touchy? :O
Asked by Martin (93.141.59.x) on February 23 2015, 9:38am
Reply on February 26 2015, 5:39pm:
    I don't imagine it going away at some point, it's more than we don't want to have lots of accelerators competing for the front of the list unnecessarily.
Question: What is currently your fave tune?
Asked by Gary (95.45.140.x) on February 23 2015, 3:27am
Reply on February 26 2015, 5:38pm:
    Hmm I've been on a bit of a "Mogwai - My Father My King" kick again lately, which is nice because it lasts so long!
Question: Trying to catch any WM_KEYUP message in MIDI editor, but registered keyboard accelerator doesnt work (I guess M editor accel swallowed it). Also tried SetWindowLongPtr(GWLP_WNDPROC) but even there I cant catch WM_KEYUP (strange since Spy++ sees it). Due to SWELL I can't register keyboard hook or use GetAsynKey(). Is there any way to get it working? Thanks!
Asked by Martin (93.138.18.x) on February 21 2015, 7:58am
Reply on February 23 2015, 2:03am:
    hmm yeah that won't work, since the default accelerator takes precedence. If you want to pre-hook the accelerator, there's an undocumented API to put your accelerator at the front of the list -- use Register("<accelerator"). This could go away at any time though, and you might break things.
Question: What are your thoughts on the current state of the Reaper lounge. :)
Asked by Sarah Palin (76.226.53.x) on February 20 2015, 12:53am
Reply on February 20 2015, 2:57am:
    I try not to look in there.
Question: Did you ever play with a RaspPi or such? I find that one funny: tinyurl.com/9opaxwl
Asked by math (77.64.254.x) on February 19 2015, 8:16am
Reply on February 20 2015, 2:57am:
    Haha funny yeah. I have a pi but it's in a box somewhere...
Question: So i've been wondering for years, what did the hex code on nullsoft.com go to and what was in message.txt?
Asked by myrealnameisoj (45.16.192.x) on February 19 2015, 5:59am
Reply on February 20 2015, 2:57am:
    It was mostly random I think.
Question: Thx for ur opinion, i really hope i'm extremely pessimistic :) As for the Q:Is it okay to ask so much? Do you sometimes regret you started this thing here?
Asked by math (77.64.254.x) on February 17 2015, 7:04am
Reply on February 19 2015, 12:45am:
    Sure it's no problem, and no for the most part I don't regret this website, it's a silly distraction, but life needs more of those.
Question: How do you organize your wndproc? Either of these? pastebin.com/KMM8UhBA
Asked by Rodrigo (177.16.147.x) on February 16 2015, 11:01pm
Reply on February 17 2015, 3:02am:
    The first, or one similar to the second (where HWND is still passed, and GWLP_USERDATA is used for _this, etc), or some mix of them...
Question: Do you think NSIS has more marketshare for installers than .MSI technology?
Asked by Will (70.173.145.x) on February 16 2015, 6:18pm
Reply on February 17 2015, 3:03am:
    No idea, but I would imagine .msi has somewhat more.
Question: Yes, the fact is: mousewheel is not working with my plugin in Nuendo, while it is working in Reaper ... i am sure this is somehow plugin's fault, but i am really curious why it is working :)
Asked by Franci (89.142.41.x) on February 16 2015, 5:34pm
Reply on February 17 2015, 3:03am:
Question: Re: U sure J? Untamed relentless capitalism in emerging countries, religious fanatism accompanied by unimaginable human tragedies, ecological destruction, mindblowing growing government debts, (slightly) increasing global corruption, growing financial sector, eroding middle class, mass processing of animals without allowing animals a live which is worth livi
Asked by math (77.64.254.x) on February 16 2015, 12:53am
Reply on February 16 2015, 1:03am:
    Sure, those are arguably bad things, but to say that things are getting worse is getting ahead of ourselves, I think.
Question: Regarding mousewheel in Reaper, i have a plugin where mousewheel is working in Reaper, but not in some other hosts (Cubase, EnergyXT etc.) So there must be something "more correct" in Reaper :)
Asked by Franci (89.142.39.x) on February 13 2015, 6:40pm
Reply on February 16 2015, 1:03am:
Question: Have you ever introduced a bug into a software just to see if anyone would notice? :D
Asked by Elan Hickler (184.101.36.x) on February 13 2015, 1:44am
Reply on February 16 2015, 1:04am:
    No, but I've definitely known about bugs and not fixed them until someone complains (though in most cases I'd fix them, sometimes they are too tedious or unlikely, but in either case minor in severity).
Question: I have a feeling that in most fields people of the world tend to get worse and worse. I always force myself to be realist as much as possible, but do you think that's too pessimistic? What do you think are mindsets people would need to change most urgently?
Asked by math (77.64.254.x) on February 11 2015, 9:01pm
Reply on February 12 2015, 8:04pm:
    Not sure I follow this? Things are getting better, mostly?
Question: Deal! :)
Asked by Aron (75.134.157.x) on February 11 2015, 6:53pm
Reply on February 12 2015, 8:04pm:
    (kidding of course)
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