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Question: Hey jf - I don't want to bombard you with countless questions regarding DAWs and how they work under the hood on your site but I do have another question. Data stream management and audio buffers (If those are the correct terms?). But does each track and child track have their own audio buffer and if not, how exactly are each track mixed into a final audio buffer? And also, how exactly does a DAW keep track of each stream within a given session? I am assuming it uses a binary tree, or something else?
Asked by Matthew (98.13.80.x) on December 24 2024, 6:27am
Reply on December 24 2024, 4:05pm:
    Each track probably has various buffers, but in general if you want to render an audio block for the project you'd go through all tracks, render each track to wherever, then sum it to the project mix, etc.

  • Posted by Matthew (98.13.80.x) on December 24 2024, 6:50pm:
    Thank you. Very interesting stuff.

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