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Question: why hackers ?? sometimes I just can't comprehend your high level jokes XD
Asked by Abhi (117.97.147.x) on March 12 2020, 5:27pm
Reply on March 12 2020, 10:22pm:
    To make proper use of REAPER as a video editor you need to be comfortable editing video processor code.
Question: If I try to GWL_WNDPROC an edit box then UTF8 support does not work as expected for GetDlgItemText, it just returns the ANSI chars... Any ideas before I dig it?
Asked by Gio (79.130.170.x) on March 12 2020, 5:54am
Reply on March 12 2020, 3:14pm (edited at March 12 2020, 3:17pm):
    Hmm might be easiest to have you post the subclass code so we can see?
Question: Can stones talk?
Asked by wasereb4 (94.134.90.x) on March 12 2020, 1:30am
Reply on March 12 2020, 2:35am:
    None that I've met
Question: hello, can you put a last unread post in the reaper forum? thanks!
Asked by daniel (200.73.145.x) on March 11 2020, 2:21pm
Reply on March 12 2020, 2:35am:
    Uh err no?
Question: hey- any chance of adding support for leap motion controllers with any cockos apps??
Asked by 2020 (95.151.177.x) on March 10 2020, 10:25pm
Reply on March 12 2020, 2:35am:
    What's the API like?
1 Comment...
Question: Omg, are you guys secretly making REAPER also as a full-fledged video editor? No need of Sony Vegas or Camtasia now? :O
Asked by Abhi (122.161.72.x) on March 10 2020, 6:44pm
Reply on March 12 2020, 2:35am:
    Something like that, but for hackerz.
1 Comment...
Question: Does answering a question with a question xount as answering the question?
Asked by wasereb4 (89.247.253.x) on March 10 2020, 5:10am
Reply on March 10 2020, 2:20pm (edited at March 10 2020, 2:21pm):
    It is an answer, yes, but it might not be the answer you were looking for.
Question: Should one grow out of pop music?
Asked by Nick (213.122.127.x) on March 9 2020, 11:03am
Reply on March 9 2020, 12:54pm:
    Or does pop music grow out of one?
Question: ReaSynth - only one & very basic one. Okay. But, what's the point of making it when there are lots of synths out there. For quickly checking whether REAPER is making any sound or not? Why DAWs come with instruments and effects plugins whereas you can find them everywhere in internet, both paid and free. Even the free ones are of very good quality these days. Why DAW developers waste their energy in this? Why not just work into core DAW development? Also, same question to you about REAPER inbuilt plugins.
Asked by Abhi (117.234.14.x) on March 9 2020, 4:19am
Reply on March 9 2020, 12:53pm (edited at March 9 2020, 12:54pm):
    For fun? It was last meaningfully updated 10 years ago. Overall -- built-in plug-ins are very useful, reliable and efficient and tiny and always available on REAPER installs, so there's great value there. I make a ton of content using ReaEQ/ReaComp/ReaGate and some JSFX that I wouldn't want to have to replace on multiple platforms.
Question: Commercial versus individual license for reaper
Asked by Billy Shakespeare (189.222.139.x) on March 8 2020, 10:02pm
Reply on March 8 2020, 10:35pm:
    What's the difference? Technologically, none. But if you're a not very-small business, you need the commercial.
Question: hey ya justin, doing good job providing us useful tools.. but when you hear from people that reaper is free daw, and it is basically like donationware, if you can afford, then purchase, otherwise don't purchase, purchase it later whenever you get money.... how is your reaction then?? do you feel bad or you feel like "oh they can't afford, it's okay, maybe they are students but they must buy as soon as they get money..... also do you know boogeyman from wwe? are you big fan of him and his worms? HA HA HA X-)
Asked by Boogeyman (from WWE, yes), wanna eat worms? (178.128.57.x) on March 8 2020, 10:40am
Reply on March 8 2020, 6:18pm:
    If I got upset every time someone was wrong on the internet, that would be no way to live.
Question: In songwriting, is it compulsory to rhyme the last words of lines while writing lyrics? Though there are few songs where the last words of consecutive lines doesn't rhyme, and the song is great too. Then why in most of the songs, the songwriters rhyme the last words? To make it like a poem? Or any other reason?
Asked by Abhi (182.68.63.x) on March 8 2020, 7:04am
Reply on March 8 2020, 6:18pm:
    Rhyming is optional, like in poetry!
Question: www.cockos.com ...... Okay..... But why www.reaper.fm ......... Why not www.reaper.com ?? Or even better, why not www.cockos.com/reaper ?? Also, what does "fm" means in reaper.fm ?? Is the domain ".fm" cheaper than .com" ? Or any other reason why not reaper.com ?
Asked by Abhi (117.234.207.x) on March 7 2020, 3:37am
Reply on March 7 2020, 1:29pm:
    reaper.com is taken, so... cockos.com/reaper works, we also have reaperaudio.com and reaperdaw.com pointed there. but reaper.fm is short, also FM is (in the US at least) the name for the commonly-used 88MHz-108Mhz radio band.
Question: hey! - out of thousands of choices- why pick kenny gioia? (were they recommended, or friend/family/ just the right skills/abilities??)
Asked by 2020 (91.110.225.x) on March 6 2020, 11:49pm
Reply on March 7 2020, 1:42am:
    I'm a huge fan of boy bands.
Question: REAPER is the only DAW making it to a dedicated electronic music producer type. :P musicradar.com/news/the-7-types-of...
Asked by wasereb4 (94.134.90.x) on March 6 2020, 5:51pm
Reply on March 6 2020, 10:29pm:
Question: Good art/music always has a message even though it might not be explicit or even defined. Is Reaper a work of art with the message, "let's do whatever this is"?
Asked by shufflebeat (2.102.13.x) on March 6 2020, 1:14pm
Reply on March 6 2020, 10:29pm:
    Hmm no it's more of a tool
Question: What inspire you to name your company as 'Cockos' and your DAW's name as 'REAPER'? Also a weird question - Why REAPER doesn't get install in Windows like this - "C:/Program Files/Cockos/REAPER" ?? Instead, REAPER folder directly goes inside Program Files folder. Whereas other companies, lets say Adobe. Their softwares (like Photoshop) goes inside 'Adobe' folder.
Asked by Abhi (117.97.128.x) on March 6 2020, 6:22am
Reply on March 6 2020, 10:30pm:
    You can search for the origin story of Cockos here. REAPER is about reaping the result of your recordings. And there's little point to Program FilesCockos since REAPER is usually the only thing in there. Maybe LICEcap but meh
Question: Is English your native language? Beside English, how many languages you know? If you know, then what's the point of learning those other languages as with only English, you can communicate with literally any person in the whole world. Don't you feel lucky that you can speak English fluently whereas majority of the people in this world can't speak fluently? Don't you feel lucky that you can watch any Hollywood movie without seeing subtitles? Also, all good tutorials of anything on YouTube are in English, ah!
Asked by Mr. Anderson (46.101.38.x) on March 5 2020, 3:52pm
Reply on March 6 2020, 3:32am:
    Yes, English is my native language. I also know some French, Spanish and German in decreasing capacity. I do feel fortunate that English is such a dominant language, it does open a lot of doors! But I like to learn other languages because it is interesting (even if you can't speak them well). I also know a few phrases in Danish which is really quite entertaining.
Question: Core REAPER development - Justin & Schwa ; REAPER theme development - WhiteTie ; Video tutorials - Kenny ; REAPER blog - Jon ; REAPER manual - Geoffrey ..... are there more people who indirectly contributed into REAPER development? If yes, then please tell us :)
Asked by ReallyWantAJobInCockos (104.236.53.x) on March 5 2020, 3:41pm
Reply on March 6 2020, 3:33am:
    rOn(Christophe) and JeffOS both contributed a lot of code. Tons of users have given countless amounts of useful feedback... Too many to name.
Question: Ummm, Justin sir, there are lots of unanswered feature requests and maybe bugs report in REAPER forum. Can't you make a similar website like this askjf one, where we users can directly suggest you new features and report you bugs? Or it will be too cumbersome for you to manage that (maybe lots of users will post there?)
Asked by Abhi (182.64.73.x) on March 5 2020, 3:29pm
Reply on March 6 2020, 3:34am:
    Too much quantity. Shrug.
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