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Question: hey jf- is it quite possible to convert any existing jsfx to either vst2 or vst3 64bit? + is also possible as a tiny vst or w/e standalone desktop app?? ty.
Asked by 2023 (2.29.234.x) on February 5 2023, 4:45pm
Reply on February 9 2023, 1:52am:
    There are projects around to do that but I haven't really played with them. ReaJS still exists in ReaPlugs...

  • Posted by 2023 (2.29.234.x) on February 9 2023, 12:42pm:
    yes thanx... it would seem some the stock plugins are actually jsfx as vst? (reaeq,readelay,realimit??) +reaplugs is good for now,but have found many jsfx will not load due to incompatability issues...? why are some jsf working but many others are not?? cheerz.

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